There was lunch with an exceptional friend from my Bank of England days in Helix restaurant at the top of The Gherkin building, with awe-inspiring views. A Shrewsbury School drinks party in the Cavalry & Guards Club in Piccadilly and a Christian Louboutin Christmas tree at Claridge's but it was a dinner hosted by The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn that was a highlight of a spectacular month.
I was invited to this Inns of Court dinner by a barrister I first met during my Qatar days. It took place in 'The Hall', which dates from 1559, under a portrait of the President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, Lady Hale of 'prorogation fame' and I sat next to a judge who presides over criminal cases. It seemed fitting that I wore my new Ede & Ravenscroft suit and it was also a chance to wear one of my new Turnbull & Asser shirts & Gucci shoes. I even joined in with the singing at the end of dinner!
Hope the photos below evidence why November 2019 was a '7 teddies' (🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻) legendary month.