First Class Emirates flights got me from Bangkok to Shrewsbury safely. Two portions of caviar, Dom Perignon champagne and a shower on the A380 plane were perfect but my luggage did not arrive with me in Manchester and the way Emirates dealt with that was far from First Class service. I have made formal complaints about that, & the additional money I paid for WiFi which did not work for long periods on the flight.
I am just off to Tanners in Shrewsbury to arrange the champagne for my Shrewsbury party. Today also spoke to The Golden Cross about my Shrewsbury dinner and signed the contract with Le Pont de la Tour in London. Four Seasons Hotel Ten Trinity Square have created a new Grey Goose vodka based cocktail in my honour. What a two day celebration it will be.
A '7 teddies' (🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻) 50th birthday year finally culminates on 29/30 March 2019.